Deep Learning in Resource and Data Constrained Edge Computing Systems
P Sharma, M Rüb, D Gaida, H Lutz, A Sikora. (2021). "Deep Learning in Resource and Data Constrained Edge Computing Systems." Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems.
P Sharma, M Rüb, D Gaida, H Lutz, A Sikora. (2021). "Deep Learning in Resource and Data Constrained Edge Computing Systems." Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems.
M Rüb, A Sikora. (2022). "A Practical View on Training Neural Networks in the Edge." 17th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems PDES 2022.
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Talk at TinyML foundation, Remote